Page 27 - Pig production Romania
P. 27

Economic consequences of movement ban

           Additional measures taken by the farms with:
                                                                                             Analysis: Short survey among commercial farms on
           Direct impact on production:                                                      economic effects of movement bans. Outcomes are
                                                                                             based on 7 respondents and therefore only indicative.
              To reduce number of sows with 30% and the number of inseminated sows
              Due to increased infectious pressure and increased drug use and mortality,
               increased feed conversion ratio and reduced average daily gain                                # farms  Average     Min    Max

           Effect on management of the farm                                                 number of               7     2.29      1      4
                                                                                            movement bans
              Modified pens for raising piglets, raising piglets in maternity pens,        since 2017
              Raising biosecurity measures, additional costs with protective equipment,    duration of the         7       65     15    166
               increased biological sampling and laboratory analysis                        movement ban
           Other effects
                                                                                            number of               2    3,300  2,500   4,100
              Inability to comply with contracts                                           animals killed
                                                                                            due to
              The inability to comply with the commitment under Measure 14 -Animal Welfare   overpopulation
               from NRDP 2014-2020 by overpopulation in case of restrictions imposed by ASF   piglets killed        3      700    300   1,100
                                                                                            sows aborted            3       86     48    150
              Loss of employees, high labour force fluctuation, supplementing the farm staff  number of pigs       4    7,594  1,200  21,000
              Loss of supplier confidence due to late or delayed payments, the negative    sold at lower
                                                                                            value due to
               influence on the cash flow, delays in bank rates, payments to the state budget   overweight
               and other payments

                                       Meat production  ASF  National potential  Regional potential  Conclusions  References  Contact  Annex 1  Annex 2  Annex 3  Annex 4  27
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