Page 28 - Pig production Romania
P. 28

Economic losses due to movement bans for ASF

              Given the ongoing outbreaks of ASF in Romania commercial farms are affected by movement bans. Both continuing outbreaks and
               resulting movement bans have a strong negative economic impact on the continuity of these farms.
              Multiple farmers reported that since 2017 they were affected multiple times by movement bans, some of which lasted almost half a year.

                      ●   Total losses were on average about €250 per sow per affected farm:
                                   ●    Due to production losses: Per average sow the average losses were €63 but varied between €12 and €156
                                        per sow (average RON 299; minimum 56, maximum 747).
                                   ●    Famers also reported substantial additional costs and losses that were estimated at €190 on average, but
                                        varied among farms from €60 and €440 (average RON 920, minimum 285 and maximum 2,100) per sow.

                      ●   Besides direct economic effects also other effects were reported that have a direct impact on the livelihood of the farm (e.g.
                          loss of employees, loss of supplier confidence).

                                       Meat production  ASF  National potential  Regional potential  Conclusions  References  Contact  Annex 1  Annex 2  Annex 3  Annex 4  28
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