Page 17 - Gebruikershandleiding CAMOS
P. 17

Power Settings


                   ① ②                                        ③

      Optimize the system to your personal usage.

      Display                                HINT
                                            The  battery  lifetime  depends  on  the  usage  of  the
      ①  Timer	for	sleep	mode               system, i.e. listening to pure music, watching video
         Activate/deactivate  the  timer  that  can  be  ad-  or navigating. Also volume and brightness have a
         justed  by  +/-.  If  you  do  not  use  the  system   huge affect on power consumption.
         for this time, the system will go down to sleep
      ②  Timer	for	brightness
         Activate/deactivate  the  timer  that  can  be  ad-
         justed by +/-. If you do not use the system for
         this time, the system will reduce screen bright-
         ness to safe battery power.
      ③  Battery	status
         Shows  current  capacity  level  of  the  internal
      ④  Exit:
         Return to main menu.

                                                            INDEX      EN     17
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